点击数:次 2015-04-16 09:33
Coal tar epoxy paint Antirust Paint surface can?
Manufacturers reply:
Antirust paint, mainly refers to the alkyd antirust paint, is not recommended in the paint surface using epoxy coal tar paint.
Antirust paint alkyd paint, belonging to type, epoxy coal tar paint of epoxy type, different diluent solvent used for both. Epoxy alkyd paint solvents can completely dissolve in, therefore, it is prone to bite the end.
The theory of the anti rust paint: more than 6 months. Can do the compatibility test, if not to bite the end, can besmear brushs.
The reality: the use of epoxy coal tar paint normally used for underground pipeline, there are higher requirements for the use of the term, and the use of anti rust paint matching epoxy coal tar paint, with congenital defects, so it is difficult to guarantee the use period, therefore, does not recommend the use of.
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